What is ESE/ IES Eligibility, Syllabus ESE 2017 Success Tips for UPSC

Engineering Exams
What is ESE/ IES ?

What is ESE/ IES  Eligibility, Syllabus ESE 2017 Success Tips for UPSC

Indian Engineering Services comprise of engineers who work under the government of India and designated as Class – 1 officer. They administer a large segment of the public sector economy, which constitutes of Indian Railways, Power, Telecommunications, Central Water engineering, Defence service of Engineers, Central Engineering Service, etc. The nature of work performed by these bureaucrats largely depends on their engineering branch and the service or cadre they are recruited in. The career progression goes smoothly attaining high esteem. The first position offered is that of Asst. Executive engineer and the hierarchy ends at the position of Chairman/ Managing Director.
A combined competitive examination is conducted by the Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) for recruitment to the Indian Engineering Services. The Examination constitutes of a written examination followed by an interview for the personality test. The recruitment of qualified candidates is made under the following categories:
·         Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
·         Electrical Engineering
·         Mechanical Engineering
·         Civil Engineering
ESE 2017 Eligibility

(I) Nationality:
     A candidate must be either:
    (a) A citizen of India or
    (b) A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
    (c) A Tibetan refugee who came over to Indian before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently
    settling in India  or
    (d) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of
    Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with
    the intention of permanently settling in India.

     Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c) and (d) above shall be a person in whose favor a
     certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

(II) Age Limits:
·         A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st January, of the exam year.
·         The upper age-limit of 30 years will be relaxable up to 35 years in the case of Government servants of the following categories, if they are employed in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below and apply for admission to the examination for all or any of the Service(s)/Posts mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible.
·         The upper age-limit prescribed above will be further relaxable:
(i) Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe.
(ii) Upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to OBC category.
(iii) Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January, 1980 to the 31st day of December, 1989.
(iv) Upto a maximum of three years in the case of defence service personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area, and released as a consequence thereof.
(v) Upto a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st August, and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service or (iii) on invalidment; (vi) Upto a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Services as on 1st August, and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment.
(vii) Upto a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons.

(III) Minimum Educational Qualifications:
·         Obtained a degree in Engineering from a university incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as universities under section-3 of the university grants commission act, 1956 or 
·         Passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) or
·         Obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time or
·         Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) or
·         Passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India or
·         Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959
Provided that a candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group 'A' in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organization) may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely: M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
ESE 2017 Exam Pattern
Paper - I
General Studies
Engineering Aptitude
2 hours
200 marks
Paper - II
3 hours
300 marks
Paper - I
Discipline - I
3 hours
300 marks
Paper - II
Discipline - II
3 hours
300 marks

ESE 2017 Syllabus
( Stage-I, Paper-I).
General Studies and Engineering Aptitude
(Stage I - Paper I, Objective type, Common to all Candidates, 2 hours duration, 200 Marks maximum)
The questions from the following Topics will be set in Paper-I of Stage-I
1.         Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic and industrial development
2.        Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability
3.        Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
4.       General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
5.        Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
6.       Basics of Energy and Environment : Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment
7.       Basics of Project Management
8.       Basics of Material Science and Engineering
9.       Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.
10.     Ethics and values in Engineering profession
The paper in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude will include Knowledge of relevant topics as may be expected from an engineering graduate, without special study.
Questions from all the 10 topics mentioned above shall be set. Marks for each Topic may range from 5% to 15% of the total marks in the paper.


Branch/Discipline: Civil Engineering
(Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper–II and separately for Stage-II Conventional type Paper-I and Paper – II)
1. Building Materials:
Stone, Lime, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminum, Fly Ash, Basic Admixtures, Timber, Bricks and Aggregates: Classification, properties and selection criteria;Cement: Types, Composition, Properties, Uses, Specifications and various Tests; Lime & Cement Mortars and Concrete: Properties and various Tests; Design of Concrete Mixes: Proportioning of aggregates and methods of mix design.
2. Solid Mechanics:
Elastic constants, Stress, plane stress, Strains, plane strain, Mohr’s circle of stress and strain, Elastic theories of failure, Principal Stresses, Bending, Shear and Torsion.
3. Structural Analysis:
Basics of strength of materials, Types of stresses and strains, Bending moments and shear force, concept of bending and shear stresses; Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures; Trusses, beams, plane frames; Rolling loads, Influence Lines, Unit load method & other methods; Free and Forced vibrations of single degree and multi degree freedom system; Suspended Cables; Concepts and use of Computer Aided Design.
4. Design of Steel Structures:
Principles of Working Stress methods, Design of tension and compression members, Design of beams and beam column connections, built-up sections, Girders, Industrial roofs, Principles of Ultimate load design.
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures:
Limit state design for bending, shear, axial compression and combined forces; Design of beams, Slabs, Lintels, Foundations, Retaining walls, Tanks, Staircases; Principles of pre-stressed concrete design including materials and methods; Earthquake resistant design of structures; Design of Masonry Structure.
6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management:
Construction - Planning, Equipment, Site investigation and Management including Estimation with latest project management tools and network analysis for different Types of works; Analysis of Rates of various types of works; Tendering Process and Contract Management, Quality Control, Productivity, Operation Cost; Land acquisition; Labour safety and welfare.
1.  Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power:
(a)  Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow:
 Fluid properties; Dimensional Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics and measurements; Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel flow, Flow controls. Hydraulic jump; Surges; Pipe networks.
(b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power -
Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic turbines – types, classifications & performance parameters; Power house – classification and layout, storage, pondage, control of supply.
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering:
Hydrological cycle, Ground water hydrology, Well hydrology and related data analysis; Streams and their gauging; River morphology; Flood, drought and their management; Capacity of Reservoirs.
Water Resources Engineering : Multipurpose uses of Water, River basins and their potential; Irrigation systems, water demand assessment; Resources - storages and their yields; Water logging, canal and drainage design, Gravity dams, falls, weirs, Energy dissipaters, barrage Distribution works, Cross drainage works and head-works and their design; Concepts in canal design, construction & maintenance; River training, measurement and analysis of rainfall.
3. Environmental Engineering:
(a) Water Supply Engineering:
Sources, Estimation, quality standards and testing of water and their treatment; Rural, Institutional and industrial water supply; Physical, chemical and biological characteristics and sources of water, Pollutants in water and its effects, Estimation of water demand; Drinking water Standards, Water Treatment Plants, Water distribution networks.
(b) Waste Water Engineering:
Planning & design of domestic waste water, sewage collection and disposal; Plumbing Systems. Components and layout of sewerage system; Planning & design of Domestic Waste-water disposal system; Sludge management including treatment, disposal and re-use of treated effluents; Industrial waste waters and Effluent Treatment Plants including institutional and industrial sewage management.
(c) Solid Waste Management:
Sources & classification of solid wastes along with planning & design of its management system; Disposal system, Beneficial aspects of wastes and Utilization by Civil Engineers.
(d) Air, Noise pollution and Ecology:
Concepts & general methodology.
4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering :
(a) Geo-technical Engineering : Soil exploration - planning & methods, Properties of soil, classification, various tests and inter-relationships; Permeability & Seepage, Compressibility, consolidation and Shearing resistance, Earth pressure theories and stress distribution in soil; Properties and uses of geo-synthetics.
 (b) Foundation Engineering: Types of foundations & selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, design and testing of shallow & deep foundations; Slope stability analysis, Earthen embankments, Dams and Earth retaining structures: types, analysis and design, Principles of ground modifications.
5. Surveying and Geology:
(a) Surveying: Classification of surveys, various methodologies, instruments & analysis of measurement of distances, elevation and directions; Field astronomy, Global Positioning System; Map preparation; Photogrammetry; Remote sensing concepts; Survey Layout for culverts, canals, bridges, road/railway alignment and buildings, Setting out of Curves.
(b) Geology :  Basic knowledge of Engineering geology & its application in projects.
6. Transportation Engineering:
Highways - Planning & construction methodology, Alignment and geometric design; Traffic Surveys and Controls; Principles of Flexible and Rigid pavements design.
Tunneling - Alignment, methods of construction, disposal of muck, drainage, lighting and ventilation.
 Railways Systems – Terminology, Planning, designs and maintenance practices; track modernization.
 Harbours – Terminology, layouts and planning. Airports – Layout, planning & design.

Branch/Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
(Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper–II and separately for Stage-II Conventional type Paper-I and Paper – II)
1. Fluid Mechanics:
Basic Concepts and Properties of Fluids, Manometry, Fluid Statics, Buoyancy, Equations of Motion, Bernoulli’s equation and applications, Viscous flow of incompressible fluids, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Flow through pipes and head losses in pipes.
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer:
Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substance; Zeroth, First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics; Entropy, Irreversibility and availability; analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion: Rankine, Otto, Diesel and Dual Cycles; ideal and real gases; compressibility factor; Gas mixtures.
Modes of heat transfer, Steady and unsteady heat conduction, Thermal resistance, Fins, Free and forced convection, Correlations for convective heat transfer, Radiative heat transfer – Radiation heat transfer co-efficient; boiling and condensation, Heat exchanger performance analysis
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning:
SI and CI Engines, Engine Systems and Components, Performance characteristics and testing of IC Engines; Fuels; Emissions and Emission Control. Vapour compression refrigeration, Refrigerants and Working cycles, Compressors, Condensers, Evaporators and Expansion devices, Other types of refrigeration systems like Vapour Absorption, Vapour jet, thermo electric and Vortex tube refrigeration. Psychometric properties and processes, Comfort chart, Comfort and industrial air conditioning, Load calculations and Heat pumps.
4. Turbo Machinery:
Reciprocating and Rotary pumps, Pelton wheel, Kaplan and Francis Turbines, velocity diagrams, Impulse and Reaction principles, Steam and Gas Turbines, Theory of Jet Propulsion – Pulse jet and Ram Jet Engines, Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors – Theory and Applications
5. Power Plant Engineering:
Rankine and Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat, Fuels and their properties, Flue gas analysis, Boilers, steam turbines and other power plant components like condensers, air ejectors, electrostatic precipitators and cooling towers – their theory and design, types and applications;
6. Renewable Sources of Energy:
Solar Radiation, Solar Thermal Energy collection - Flat Plate and focusing collectors their materials and performance. Solar Thermal Energy Storage, Applications – heating, cooling and Power Generation; Solar Photovoltaic Conversion; Harnessing of Wind Energy, Bio-mass and Tidal Energy – Methods and Applications, Working principles of Fuel Cells.
7. Engineering Mechanics:
Analysis of System of Forces, Friction, Centroid and Centre of Gravity, Dynamics; Stresses and Strains-Compound Stresses and Strains, Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams, Theory of Bending Stresses- Slope and deflection-Torsion, Thin and thick Cylinders, Spheres.
8. Engineering Materials:
Basic Crystallography, Alloys and Phase diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals, Non metallic materials, Basics of Nano-materials, Mechanical Properties and Testing, Corrosion prevention and control
9. Mechanisms and Machines:
Types of Kinematics Pair, Mobility, Inversions, Kinematic Analysis, Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Planar Mechanisms, CAMs with uniform acceleration and retardation, cycloidal motion, oscillating followers; Vibrations –Free and forced vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems, Transmissibility Ratio, Vibration Isolation, Critical Speed of Shafts. Gears – Geometry of tooth profiles, Law of gearing, Involute profile, Interference, Helical, Spiral and Worm Gears, Gear Trains- Simple, compound and Epicyclic; Dynamic Analysis – Slider – crank mechanisms, turning moment computations, balancing of Revolving & Reciprocating masses, Gyroscopes –Effect of Gyroscopic couple on automobiles, ships and aircrafts, Governors.
10. Design of Machine Elements:
Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as riveted, welded and bolted joints. Shafts, Spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, Brakes and clutches, flywheels.
11. Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering:
Metal casting-Metal forming, Metal Joining, Machining and machine tool operations, Limits, fits and tolerances, Metrology and inspection, computer Integrated manufacturing, FMS, Production planning and Control, Inventory control and operations research - CPM-PERT. Failure concepts and characteristics-Reliability, Failure analysis, Machine Vibration, Data acquisition, Fault Detection, Vibration Monitoring, Field Balancing of Rotors, Noise Monitoring, Wear and Debris Analysis, Signature Analysis, NDT Techniques in Condition Monitoring.
12. Mechatronics and Robotics:
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, programming, I/O, Computer interfacing, Programmable logic controller. Sensors and actuators, Piezoelectric accelerometer, Hall effect sensor, Optical Encoder, Resolver, Inductosyn, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators, stepper motor, Control Systems- Mathematical modeling of Physical systems, control signals, controllability and observability. Robotics, Robot Classification, Robot Specification, notation; Direct and Inverse Kinematics; Homogeneous Coordinates and Arm Equation of four Axis SCARA Robot

Branch/Discipline: Electrical Engineering
(Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper–II and separately for Stage-II Conventional type Paper-I and Paper – II)
1.  Engineering Mathematics
Matrix theory, Eigen values & Eigen vectors, system of linear equations, Numerical methods for solution of non-linear algebraic equations and differential equations, integral calculus, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals. Fourier series, linear, non-linear and partial differential equations, initial and boundary value problems, complex variables, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, residue theorem, probability and statistics fundamentals, Sampling theorem, random variables, Normal and Poisson distributions, correlation and regression analysis.
2. Electrical Materials
Electrical Engineering Materials, crystal structures and defects, ceramic materials, insulating materials, magnetic materials – basics, properties and applications; ferrities, ferro-magnetic materials and components; basics of solid state physics, conductors; Photo-conductivity; Basics of Nano materials and Superconductors.
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
Circuit elements, network graph, KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis, ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, transient response of DC and AC networks, Sinusoidal steady state analysis, basic filter concepts, two-port networks, three phase circuits, Magnetically coupled circuits, Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s laws; inductance, dielectrics, capacitance; Maxwell’s equations.
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements:
Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and standards; Bridges and potentiometers; moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments, measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor, instrument transformers, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, phase, time and frequency measurement, Q-meters, oscilloscopes, potentiometric recorders, error analysis, Basics of sensors, Transducers, basics of data acquisition systems
5. Computer Fundamentals:
Number systems, Boolean algebra, arithmetic functions, Basic Architecture, Central Processing Unit, I/O and Memory Organisation; peripheral devices, data represenation and programming, basics of Operating system and networking, virtual memory, file systems; Elements of programming languages, typical examples.
6. Basic Electronics Engineering:
Basics of Semiconductor diodes and transistors and characteristics, Junction and field effect transistors (BJT, FET and MOSFETS), different types of transistor amplifiers, equivalent circuits and frequency response; oscillators and other circuits, feedback amplifiers.
1. Analog and Digital Electronics:
Operational amplifiers – characteristics and applications, combinational and sequential logic circuits, multiplexers, multi-vibrators, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters, basics of filter circuits and applications, simple active filters; Microprocessor basics- interfaces and applications, basics of linear integrated circuits; Analog communication basics, Modulation and de-modulation, noise and bandwidth, transmitters and receivers, signal to noise ratio, digital communication basics, sampling, quantizing, coding, frequency and time domain multiplexing, power line carrier communication systems.
2. Systems and Signal Processing :
Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals, shifting and scaling operations, linear, time-invariant and causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, sampling theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms, Z transforms, Discrete Fourier transform, FFT, linear convolution, discrete cosine transform, FIR filter, IIR filter, bilinear transformation.
3. Control Systems:
Principles of feedback, transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, steady-state errors, transforms and their applications; Routh-hurwitz criterion, Nyquist techniques, Bode plots, root loci, lag, lead and lead-lag compensation, stability analysis, transient and frequency response analysis, state space model, state transition matrix, controllability and observability, linear state variable feedback, PID and industrial controllers.
4. Electrical Machines :
Single phase transformers, three phase transformers - connections, parallel operation, auto-transformer, energy conversion principles, DC machines - types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors, Induction motors - principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control, Synchronous machines - performance, regulation, parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications, servo and stepper motors.
5. Power Systems :
Basic power generation concepts, steam, gas and water turbines, transmission line models and performance, cable performance, insulation, corona and radio interference, power factor correction, symmetrical components, fault analysis, principles of protection systems, basics of solid state relays and digital protection; Circuit breakers, Radial and ring-main distribution systems, Matrix representation of power systems, load flow analysis, voltage control and economic operation, System stability concepts, Swing curves and equal area criterion. HVDC transmission and FACTS concepts, Concepts of power system dynamics, distributed generation, solar and wind power, smart grid concepts, environmental implications, fundamentals of power economics.
6. Power Electronics and Drives :
Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static characteristics and principles of operation, triggering circuits, phase control rectifiers, bridge converters - fully controlled and half controlled, principles of choppers and inverters, basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives, DC-DC switched mode converters, DC-AC switched mode converters, resonant converters, high frequency inductors and transformers, power supplies.

Branch/Discipline: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
(Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Stage-I objective type Paper–II and separately for Stage-II Conventional type Paper-I and Paper – II)
1. Basic Electronics Engineering:
Basics of semiconductors; Diode/Transistor basics and characteristics; Diodes for different uses; Junction & Field Effect Transistors (BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs); Transistor amplifiers of different types, oscillators and other circuits; Basics of Integrated Circuits (ICs); Bipolar, MOS and CMOS ICs; Basics of linear ICs, operational amplifiers and their applications-linear/non-linear; Optical sources/detectors; Basics of Opto electronics and its applications.
2. Basic Electrical Engineering:
DC circuits-Ohm’s & Kirchoff’s laws, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems; Electro-magnetism, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws, induced EMF and its uses; Single-phase AC circuits; Transformers, efficiency; Basics-DC machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines; Electrical power sources- basics: hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, wind, solar; Basics of batteries and their uses.
3. Materials Science:
Electrical Engineering materials; Crystal structure & defects; Ceramic materials-structures, composites, processing and uses; Insulating laminates for electronics, structures, properties and uses; Magnetic materials, basics, classification, ferrites, ferro/para-magnetic materials and components; Nano materials-basics, preparation, purification, sintering, nano particles and uses; Nano-optical/magnetic/electronic materials and uses; Superconductivity, uses.
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation:
Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and standards; Analog and Digital systems for measurement, measuring instruments for different applications; Static/dynamic characteristics of measurement systems, errors, statistical analysis and curve fitting; Measurement systems for non-electrical quantities; Basics of telemetry; Different types of transducers and displays; Data acquisition system basics.
5. Network Theory:
Network graphs & matrices; Wye-Delta transformation; Linear constant coefficient differential equations- time domain analysis of RLC circuits; Solution of network equations using Laplace transforms- frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits; 2-port network parameters-driving point & transfer functions; State equations for networks; Steady state sinusoidal analysis.
6. Analog and Digital Circuits:
Small signal equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTS and FETs; Diode circuits for different uses; Biasing & stability of BJT & JFET amplifier circuits; Analysis/design of amplifier- single/multi-stage; Feedback& uses; Active filters, timers, multipliers, wave shaping, A/D-D/A converters; Boolean Algebra& uses; Logic gates, Digital IC families, Combinatorial/sequential circuits; Basics of multiplexers, counters/registers/ memories /microprocessors, design& applications.
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems:
Random signals, noise, probability theory, information theory; Analog versus digital communication & applications: Systems- AM, FM, transmitters/receivers, theory/practice/ standards, SNR comparison; Digital communication basics: Sampling, quantizing, coding, PCM, DPCM, multiplexing-audio/video; Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK; Multiple access: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA; Optical communication: fibre optics, theory, practice/standards.
2. Control Systems:
Classification of signals and systems; Application of signal and system theory; System realization; Transforms& their applications; Signal flow graphs, Routh-Hurwitz criteria, root loci, Nyquist/Bode plots; Feedback systems-open &close loop types, stability analysis, steady state, transient and frequency response analysis; Design of control systems, compensators, elements of lead/lag compensation, PID and industrial controllers.
3. Computer Organization and Architecture:
Basic architecture, CPU, I/O organisation, memory organisation, peripheral devices, trends; Hardware /software issues; Data representation& Programming; Operating systems-basics, processes, characteristics, applications; Memory management, virtual memory, file systems, protection & security; Data bases, different types, characteristics and design; Transactions and concurrency control; Elements of programming languages, typical examples.
4. Electro Magnetics:
Elements of vector calculus, Maxwell’s equations-basic concepts; Gauss’, Stokes’ theorems; Wave propagation through different media; Transmission Lines-different types, basics, Smith’s chart, impedance matching/transformation, S-parameters, pulse excitation, uses; Waveguides-basics, rectangular types, modes, cut-off frequency, dispersion, dielectric types; Antennas-radiation pattern, monopoles/dipoles, gain, arrays-active/passive, theory, uses.
5. Advanced Electronics Topics:
VLSI technology: Processing, lithography, interconnects, packaging, testing; VLSI design: Principles, MUX/ROM/PLA-based design, Moore & Mealy circuit design; Pipeline concepts & functions; Design for testability, examples; DSP: Discrete time signals/systems, uses; Digital filters: FIR/IIR types, design, speech/audio/radar signal processing uses; Microprocessors & microcontrollers, basics, interrupts, DMA, instruction sets, interfacing; Controllers & uses; Embedded systems.
6. Advanced Communication Topics:
Communication networks: Principles /practices /technologies /uses /OSI model/security; Basic packet multiplexed streams/scheduling; Cellular networks, types, analysis, protocols (TCP/TCPIP); Microwave & satellite communication: Terrestrial/space type LOS systems, block schematics link calculations, system design; Communication satellites, orbits, characteristics, systems, uses; Fibre-optic communication systems, block schematics, link calculations, system design.

ESE 2017 Exam Schedule
Examination Stage
Date of Notification
Last date of receipt of Application
Exam Date 
Preliminary Examination
Mains Examination

Departments Allocation Through ESE

  A. Electronics Engineering
1.         Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
2.        Indian Railway Stores Service
3.        Indian Telecom Service Group-A
4.       Central Power Engineering Service (E&T Posts)
5.        Engineer GCS Group A in WPC/MO(M/O Communication & IT)
6.       Indian Inspection Service Group A (E&T Posts)
7.       Indian Supply Service Group A (E&T Posts)
8.       Indian Ordnance Factories Services
9.       Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy
10.     Indian Naval Armament Service
11.       Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence
  B. Electrical Engineering
1.         Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
2.        Indian Railway Stores Service
3.        Indian Defence Service of Engineers(Electrical Posts)
4.       Central Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Service (Electrical Post)
5.        Central Power Engineering Service (Electrical Post)
6.       Indian Ordnance Factories Services
7.       Indian Supply Service Group A (Electrical Posts)
8.       Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy
9.       Indian Naval Armament Service
10.     Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence
   C. Mechanical Engineering
1.         Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
2.        Indian Railway Stores Service
3.        Indian Defence Service of Engineers
4.       Central Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Service (Mechanical Post)
5.        Central Water Engineering Service Group-A (Mechanical Post)
6.       Central Power Engineering Service (Mechanical Post)
7.       Indian Ordnance Factories Services
8.       Indian Inspection Service Group A
9.       Central Engineering Service (Roads) Group-A
10.     Indian Supply Service Group A (Mechanical Posts)
11.       Assistant Executive Engineer Group A Geological Survey of India
12.      Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy
13.      Indian Naval Armament Service
14.     Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence
  D. Civil Engineering
1.         Indian Railway Service of Engineers
2.        Central Engineering Service
3.        Indian Defence Service of Engineers
4.       Indian Railway Stores Service
5.        Central Engineering Service (Roads) Group-A
6.       Central Water Engineering Service
7.       Indian Ordnance Factories Services
8.       AEE in P&T building works Group-A Services
9.       AEE in Border Road Engg. Services GR-A

ESE 2017 Success Tips for UPSC

Success Tips for UPSC Engineering Services Examination By B. Singh (Ex. I.E.S)
Among all the career options available for engineers across domains, i.e. in private, public and government sectors still the best, prestigious and coveted career remains that of esteemed Indian Engineering Services (IES). Through Indian Engineering Services (IES) a candidate acquires a career in most reputed government departments like Indian Railways, Military Engineering Services, Central Engineering Services, Telecommunication Department, Central Water Services and other esteemed departments.
In Indian Engineering Services (IES), an Engineer gets an opportunity to technically handle challenging roles and tasks which has a direct bearing on the building up of infrastructure and services of our nation.

Strategy for the Engineering Services Examination
The foundation of success can be laid on the resolute efforts but a sound strategy accompanied by never say die spirit makes the recipe of success sipid. Success can’t be achieved overnight hence a prudent strategy matters a lot. For success in Engineering Services Exam, a candidate is required to have excellent fundamentals in the core subjects, along with thorough update on general awareness, current affairs and no less, all the traits of matured personality. Following subsequent points will be worth mentioning and aspirants should necessarily keep a note of the same viz:

·         Get acquainted with the latest examination pattern and syllabus of the exam. Go through the previous year's question papers. Compare them and see what types of questions are repeated every year.
·         It is advisable not to refer several books for same topic; it is better to refer one good book for each topic, which clarifies basic concepts. Selective books are advisable for selected topics.
·         For every candidate time management is very essential along with setting of the target. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is apt in his words “One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.” The first step which every candidate should follow is to make a time table. Take one subject from each section of technical syllabus and devote at least 3 hours daily to it. Try to devote 1 hour each to English and General Studies so that candidate can take an edge as it is key differentiator for being in top rankers.
·          Manage the time table such that it has good distribution of study hours for General Ability Section and technical papers, as it makes studies enjoyable and it becomes easy to sustain the momentum for longer hours, without boredom setting in and without losing interest and enthusiasm.
·         Prepare short-term study goals, execute and align them with the long term ones to succeed in the examination.
·         While studying the technical subjects don’t forget to make short notes of important topics. Make a separate list of formulae for each subject and revise the short notes and formulae list daily.
·         Candidates should solve all the previous question papers and also practice all the questions which are given in good books; this will help them to assess their level of understanding of the subjects.
·         Candidates while solving questions should set the time limit for the task and once finished solving it they must ensure that the task was completed within the stipulated time.
·          It is better to practice questions on OMR sheets for marking the answers, which will help to practice the marking of correct answers on OMR sheets quickly in the examinations.
·          Similar guidelines should be repeated for another subject and candidates should not forget to revise important portion and short notes of the subjects prepared earlier.
·         While preparing for English, segregate vocabulary from previous 10 years papers of Engineering Services Examination and Combined Defence Services Examination. Try to memorize at least 20 words daily and don’t forget to revise those words.
·         The next step is to prepare portion of English and  daily solve 10 to 15 questions based on finding errors and rearrangement of sentences
·         From the topics of general studies, find out the areas of interests and study in the form of a story or correlate the topics. This will help in easy understanding of the topics.
·         Read Newspaper and articles, watch morning bulletin, surf websites in order to prepare for general ability paper. The currents affairs coverage of 45 days prior to the commencement date of exam.
·         Solve all the previous question papers of General Science to know the main areas of G.S from where questions are asked.
·         For making conventional portion strong and scoring good marks, try to solve at least 5 questions daily from the previous 10 years papers and solve expected conventional questions from the topics taken up same day. It will improve presentation and enhance the writing skills along with the rectification of the silly mistakes made during the examination.
·         Always remember “Practice Makes a Man Perfect”. Reserve last 15 days, for quick practice and revision. Candidates should solve as many papers as they can to score better. Practice full-length mock test comprising of all the sections, within the fixed time period.

Tips and Tricks for Solving the Papers:
·         The first motto of the candidates while solving the question papers is to optimally utilize allotted time.
·         The Objective Paper-I consists of 120 questions which are evenly based on English and General Studies. The questions on the topics of rearrangement of sentences and Comprehension are tedious and time consuming so it is suggested to solve those questions after completion of rest of the paper.
·         While solving the comprehension part first read the passage carefully to get the general idea about the topic, now read the questions asked and then mark the lines which are related to the questions and answer accordingly.
·         A candidate should attempt hard questions at the end after completing easy questions.
·         While solving technical objective papers, try to solve the questions on theory first and then work on numerical questions as there is Negative Marking for each wrong answer and cut off is to be cleared in these papers hence never try to mark those answers in which there is any confusion.
·         On third day of examination there are two conventional papers. Before solving the paper, first of all read the question paper thoroughly and mark those questions which can be easily solved.
·         Write answers step by step in a tidy and organized manner to give an impressive presentation and it is a best way to memorize all the essential points. All the diagrams drawn (if required) should be neat and well labeled with a free hand sketch. You will get the credit for orderly, effective, and exact expression combined with due economy of words in the conventional papers of the examination.
·         Write formula while solving a numerical problem, mention the S.I units of concerned quantities and also specify your answer.

Steps to Enhance your Performance:
·         Success in the examination requires consistency, never say die spirit and most importantly self motivation.
·          Healthy ideas grow in a healthy mind so along with studies do devote some time in recreational activities, which enhances memorizing power and efficiency.
·         Keep safely all the documents related to examination such as acknowledgment of application, hall ticket, application number and other details. This is to avoid last minute tension for obvious things.
·         A day prior to the examination don’t study much, just revise the important notes which you have made. Relax and sleep for atleast 6 hours so that you write exam with fresh mind.
·         Keep atleast 2 sharpened pencils, eraser, sharpener, 2 pens, calculator, hall ticket, etc. in your examination kit.
·         Ensure reaching your exam centre before time and avoid studying during traveling.
·         Don’t panic till the last moment, just remain calm and quiet and be confident of the preparation done.
Medical Standards for ESE 

Height & Chest Measurement
Chest Girth
Fully Expanded
BRES. Gr. ‘A’ in Border
Roads Organisation
152 cm
84 cm
5 cm
150 cm
79 cm
5 cm
MES  Service Gr. A
Not  Required
5 cm
 Indian Ordnance
Factories Service Gr. A
Not Required
5 cm

S. No.
Distant Vision
Near Vision
Better Eye
Worse Eye
Better Eye
Worse Eye
A. Technical
Railway Engineering 
(EE, ME, CE &
6/6 or 6/9
6/12  or  6/9
1. Central Engineering
Service, Group-A
2. Central Electrical
and Mechanical
Engineering Service, Gr. A
3. Central Water
Service Gr ‘A’
4. Central Power
Service Gr ‘A’ &Gr ‘B’
5. Central Engineering
Service (Roads), Group-A
6. Indian Radio Regulatory
Service Gr ‘A’
7. Indian Telecommunication
Service Gr. ‘A’, J.T.O
Gr. B, 8. Assistant Executive
in P&T Building works
(Gr. ‘A’) Service
9. Indian Naval
Armament Service.
Indian Naval
Stores Service,
10.  Indian Ordnance Factories
Service Group A.
Survey of India Gr ‘A’ Service,
11. Indian Inspection
Service (Asstt. Dir.
6/6 or 6/9
6/12 or 6/9
1. AEE Gr ‘A’ in Corps
of EME
2. Military Engineer
Service, Gr. A. (IDSE)
3. AEE(QS&C) in
Military Engineer Service(MES)
Surveyor Cadre
4. BRES Gr.‘A’ in
Border Roads

6/6 or 6/9
6/18 or 6/9
B. Non Technical
1. Indian Railway
Stores Service
2. Indian Supply
Service Gr ‘A’
3. Geological
Survey of India
Service Gr ‘A’

NOTE (1) : (a) In respect of the Technical Service mentioned at A above, the total amount of myopia (including the cylinder) shall not exceed—4,00 D. Total amount of Hypermetropia (including the cylinder) shall not exceed+400D :
Provided that in case a candidate in respect of the Services classified as “Technical” (other than the Services under the Ministry of Railways) is found unfit on grounds of high myopia the matter shall be referred to a special boards of three Ophthalmologists to declare whether this myopia is Pathological or not. In case it is not pathological the candidate shall be declared fit provided he fulfils the visual requirements otherwise.
(b) In every case of myopia funds examination should be carried out and the results recorded. In the event of any pathological condition being present which is likely to be progressive and affect the efficiency of the candidate, he shall be declared unfit.
(c) Radial Keratotomy/Laser Correction etc. shall be considered as disqualification for appointment in Railway Technical Services (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics). Permitted correction for conforming to prescribed visual standards is spectacles only.

Colour Perception Criteria
NOTE (2) : The testing of colour vision shall be essential in respect of the Technical Services mentioned at A above.Colour perception should be graded into higher and lower grade depending upon the size of aperture in the lantern as described in the table below:
S. No.
Higher Grade of Colour Perception
Lower Grade of Colour Perception
Distance Between
the Lamp & the
16 Feet
16 Feet
Size of aperture
1.3 mm
13 mm
Time of Exposure
5 seconds
5 seconds

For the Railway Engineering Services (Civil, Electrical, Signal and Mechanical) and other service connected with the safety of the public, Higher grade of colour vision is essential but for others lower grade of colour vision should be considered sufficient.

Technical Services or Posts Requiring Higher Grade Colour Perception:
(1) Railway Engineering Services
(2) Indian Defence Service of Engineer (IDSE)
(3) Central Engineering Service (Roads)
(4) Central Power Engineering Service. (Gr. ‘A’ and Gr. ‘B’)
(5)  Assistant Executive Engineer (Group ‘A’) in the Corps of EME
(6)  BRES Group ‘A’ in Border Roads Organisation
(7) Survey of India, Group ‘A’ Service
(8) Assistant Executive Engineer(QS&C) in Military Engineer Service(MES) Cadre
 (9)  Indian Inspection Service (Asst. Dir. Grade-I)

Technical Service or Posts Requiring Lower Grade Colour Perception:
(1)  Central Engineering Service
(2) Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service
(3) Indian Naval Armament Service
(4)  Indian Naval Stores Service
(5)  Indian Ordnance Factory Service
(6)  Central Water Engineering Service
(7) Indian Radio Regulatory Service
(8) Geological Survey of India Gr ‘A’ Service
(9)  Asstt. Executive Engineer in P&T Building Works Gr ‘A’ Service

Services for which Colour Perception is not Required:
(1) Indian Telecommunication Service Group ‘A’
(2) Junior Telecom Officer (General Central Service Group ‘B’ Gazetted, Non-ministerial)
(3) Indian Railway Store Service, Group ‘A’
(4) Indian Supply Service Group ‘A’
How to prepare for ESE?

·         ESE written exam consists of both objective and conventional type questions hence theory, conceptual knowledge and problem solving techniques are equally important.
·         Good writing skills, excellent presentation, subjective theory, explanations, derivations, diagrams and equations will fetch you good marks in conventional or subjective paper.
·         Be aware of exam pattern like how many technical & non-technical questions are asked, negative marks, weightage, exam duration and marks per question. Always make a habit of referring previous year question papers.
·         Prefer Reference books for derivations, equations, conceptual thinking, theory etc.
·         Short Cut Techniques: Use short techniques for numerical solving instead of traditional approach.
·         Reading news paper, watching morning bulletin, surfing websites will help the candidates to prepare and score better in the General ability paper carrying 200 marks. Do not neglect General Ability part as this section is scoring and also plays an important role in personal interview.
·         Practice previous year question papers and analyze the weak topics and concentrate more on those topics. Always try to solve the papers in given time to obtain an idea that how many questions you are able to solve in given time limits.
·         Intense knowledge of the subjects, strong basics, and clear concepts helps in better understanding of the subjects and prove to be instrumental in getting good scores.
·         Personal Interview: Sound technical knowledge, Positive attitude, Body language, Good communication skills, knowledge about current affairs plays an important role to clear personal interviews. Candidates should be prepared for the questions about their strengths and weaknesses.


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